World Wildlife Day was proclaimed by the UN in 2013. Since that time, it has been held to promote interest in all forms of wildlife on our planet. This year’s theme is “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet”. The celebration underlines the importance of wildlife as a source of natural resources for humankind. And it reminds us of the need to put a stop to environmental crime, which is threatening species. That is why Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 “LIFE ON LAND” focuses on biodiversity loss. Educaclima suggests you celebrate this day with your Secondary students, working on this Discussion point: With which of the world’s ecosystems do you feel most closely identified? (find it free in purple). With this activity, they will learn about different natural landscapes, while contributing their own experiences. (If you need technical support, you also have this Presentation: Climate change and ecosystems). We also encourage you to share what you learn through social networks with the hashtag #WildlifeDay. We are on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and we would love to learn about your experiences!